“Begin at the beginning,” the King said, very gravely, “and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”
― Lewis Carrol

Hello world and welcome to Jay’s acorn blog. My name is Jay Bagwell and this site was created simply so I could start learning how to utilize social media and my first step is this blog. For better or worse, lets take a plunge down the rabbit hole together and see where it takes us.
So why the name, Jays Acorn Blog? Like many people, I have interest in many different areas and in many fields. I’m a person I’d classify as a forever student or lifelong learner. With an eye open to everything and willing to ask the ever-important question…Why? This blogsite is simply me dropping lots of acorns and hopefully one can turn into that special Golden Acorn. In short, this blog is about anything that gets my interest or a story that makes me say Hmmm.
Just for a quick snippet about my background so you can get an idea of where I’m coming from and more importantly where we’re heading. Originally, I’m from Thornton, Colorado and attended the University of Colorado at Denver and graduated with a degree in communications with about 1500 of my fellow students, the football team up in Boulder and half the population in the U.S. it seems like.
In 2015 I went back to school and got my MBA with a concentration in marketing, wanting to get into the more creative aspects of my career. In between my academics I’ve spent almost 30 years mainly in the logistics, federal and state government realms with some radio, public relations, marketing and promotions thrown in for a good mixture.
Recently, my wife and I decided to move to Cary, North Carolina for really no reason other than “let’s see something new.” Trying to get into a marketing dream job, I found out I needed help with the social media aspect to really shine…and so here we are.
Thank you for stopping by:
The Really Short Version
Who: Jay Bagwell Bagwellj@zoho.com
What: Jays Acorn Blog
When: Now is the time to make things happen.
Where: Cary, North Carolina
Why: The real question should be why not?
How: We are going to use this thing called Social Media, I have a feeling it’s going to be huge someday.
Thanks for the insight into your motivation. I’m climbing on-board to see where it takes you!.
Thanks for helping out with the response. It’s fun to be able to interact with readers. Have a great day.