With what’s in the news today with the Corona Virus and panic on Wall Street, it might be time to take some action. After all, we are only one step away from zombies walking the earth or extraterrestrial aliens coming down and taking all of earths water. Thanks “V” for freaking me out now about the lizard people. You can never trust an intelligent lizard person who likes to eat your pets when no one is looking….or is that now ALF?

Anyway, say you wanted to make a doomsday bunker how would you go about it and what do you need? This is all “tongue in cheek,” of course. WINK, WINK. Damn aliens, who take your body when you fall asleep will not happen to this fat cat if you know what I mean?
When I’m talking about the doomsday bunker, I’m not talking about a safe room in your house. We are talking about a real bunker. The cost for such a bunker will start at $40,000 and it goes up from there depending on what your needs are. Just to go on the record, you should already have a suitable location for the said bunker. You shouldn’t go out and build a bunker on some poor farmer’s field without him knowing about it. I’m simply saying, have a good location that is lawful or agreed upon by neighbors. Just thinking out of the box now, things you need are water, air, food, communication device, medical needs, electricity, waste management, entertainment, and monetary exchange (gold and silver). You can put protection into this category, but I’m more of a big fraidy-cat who likes to hunker down and hope no one sees you, so we will go with that.

If I start talking about weapon’s, then I will start a fight with my gun enthusiast peeps about what gun is better and why. I call them enthusiasts because they don’t like being called “nuts.” Never want to piss off anyone with a Lapua or an M72 LAW and lots of ammo. (Again, I’m kidding about the M72 LAW)

Well, let’s get down to “Brass Tacks” and look into making ourselves a doomsday bunker. First of all, I would want my doomsday bunker to be safe, first and foremost. I’ve read about groups who have buried old busses and attempted to use them as bunkers. Most of the time, people are killed or severely injured by a cave-in, or suffocation because there was no fresh air supplied. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS. YOU WILL DIE WHEN IT GOES WRONG.

Let’s leave this to the professionals, for example, Rising Bunkers. This is a company that can come out and build you a very lovely and comfortable bunker for a relatively inexpensive cost. After all, you don’t want to be the laughingstock of the survivalists down the block with a cheap bunker.
Let’s start with the budget-minded survivalist. We can get you into a nice bunker that is fully equipped except for food, water, communication equipment, and medical for $39,500. Introducing the Mini Bunker.

This 8 x 12 Mini Bunker by popular demand, we have designed a bunker product that is small and affordable for everyone! Even better, the mini-bunker is available for financing. The Rising S “Mini Bunkers” are built from high-quality steel, with the same fabrication techniques as our larger bunkers/bomb shelters. Mini bunkers are engineered with the same high standard of quality and pride. The mini bunker is designed specifically for the blue-collar American family.
Going down the staircase of the survival shelter, you will feel a sense of security from the beginning. When you enter the mini bunker, if you look to the left, you will notice a cozy bunk bed and air filtration system. To your right side, you will find an alcohol burning stove, stainless sink, and shelving for food storage. Across from the sink is a closet for additional needs. Walking a few steps further is where you will find the composting toilet and shower. Keep in mind all of our bunkers are custom builds. We can provide additional bunks and shelving or a combination of other options to customize your shelter. The mini bunker even comes equipped with a TV/DVD combo to keep you and your family entertained. This popular shelter is the perfect solution to keeping your family safe and getting off the grid. So all in, we’re talking about $45,000 for your economic and SAFE bunker. Now that is a bargain.
Now let’s say you want the Cadillac of the bunkers. Let me introduce the Bomb Shelter Complex The Aristocrat $8,350,000 Luxury Series.

The ARISTOCRAT underground bunker complex is the luxury line of floor plans are designed to offer all of the creature comforts of modern living while providing all of the same protections that come with all of our bunkers. These underground shelters couple both practical, self-sustainable living with lavish aesthetics and the comfort of modern living. This spacious underground bunker is completely customizable with limitless options just like the rest of the luxury series, but the Aristocrat comes loaded with game rooms, sauna, gym, media room, bowling alley, gun range, and a swimming pool bringing the term “luxury” to new underground heights. In addition to those features, it also has custom flooring and carpet, a custom kitchen with beautiful cabinets and countertops, multi-vehicle garage with motor-cave, greenhouse for sustainable food sources, large storage rooms. These units are also equipped with full plumbing/septic systems and wired for dual power allowing the bunker complex can run on or off “the grid.”

All I can say about this is WOW! If I had to go down into a bunker, this would be the one I’d pick. Sadly, I’m just about $8,348,000 short. The surprising thing is that this is a real company and not the only one out there. If you want it, you can buy this and more. For an added expense, many companies can make it to where the people that build your bunker can be brought into the construction site with blacked-out busses. This means your bunker’s location will remain a secret. You know you don’t want to many visitors showing up when the zombies are on the prowl.

Hopefully, this little blog can bring some levity to the situation we find ourselves in now. No matter how grim the situation, always keep on the sunny side of life. Also, if you have an extra $8,350,000, just drop me a line. I’m sure we can find a nice place for our bunker. If there is anything, you would require for your bunker that I left out, just put it in the comment section below. Now let’s go out there and tackle the day.