If you said yes to the above, then I have a job offer for you. I was torn about writing on this very cool opportunity because I wanted to keep this my little secret to better my odds of getting this job. I then stepped back and determined that my Acorn Blog isn’t really like USA Today or the Wall Street Journal….Yet. Most likely, word would get out about this exciting opportunity and I wouldn’t be able to hide it indefinitely.
SO, WHAT IS IT? I know I have you on the edge of your seat right now so without delay here it is. It seems that the Devils Backbone Brewery, located in the Blue Ridge Mountains, has created a job that will allow you to hike the Appalachian Trail in 2021 and get paid for it.
You might be saying, Jay, this sounds too good to be true, but I’ve done the legwork (get it? legwork, hiking, take notice of this Backbone people.) and it’s legit. What if you don’t have any equipment? No problem, Devils Backbone will supply you with everything you’ll need with equipment, beer, transportation to the trailhead and $20,000 for the kicker. Well ready…steady…GO.
Details, I Need Details

The position is called the “Chief Hiking Officer” for the summer of 2021, and this great job could be yours. This requires that you love hiking and beer because you will be hosting beer bashes along the way. You must be able to hike 2,200 miles in 5 to 7 months and not mind sleeping under the stars. The trail stretches from Maine to Georgia and let’s just say there is a lot of up and downs on this journey. The hardest sections being around the Mahoosuc Notch in Maine and the 150 miles of Southern Virginia where you climb 1,000 feet up only to drop back down 1,000 feet.

Have I scared you off yet? If not, the way you apply for this fantastic opportunity is by submitting a one-minute video explaining why you are the best person for this job. The folks at Devils Backbone want to make sure that you’re fit for this experience, so they want you to make a note of your hiking and adventure exploits, and you really need to sell it.
Other skillsets you must possess, are knowledge of social media and the ability to shoot your own content and make it interesting for all the followers of your adventure. During the application process, you will need to provide a link to your Instagram handle or blog site (Acorn Blog, Check) to prove in fact that you can effectively do this task.

If you make the first cut, you will be asked to submit an “assignment” piece with an additional interview to make sure you are fit for the job. Let’s just say you really must love hiking, beer, social media, and meeting new people.
The Devils Backbone Brewery Basecamp can be reached from the Appalachian Trail if you want to hike on in and enjoy a frosty beverage. Let’s call this “Research” to see if you are cut out for this mission and if not, you get out in the fresh air, get some exercise and drink some great beer or three. All in all, this wouldn’t be a bad day in my book. The Basecamp is located just off of Appalachian Trail mile marker 842, and I will see you there.
Applications are being accepted until July 31, but you must live near the trail in DC, DE, GA, IN, KY, MD, NC (Check), NJ, NY, OH, PA, SC, TN, VA, and WV. A winner will be determined, and you will be given a six month “Chief Hiking Officer” independent contractor position with the company. This will culminate with the kickoff at the Devils Backbone Brewery on March 01, 2021.

Good luck to everyone, but let’s keep this opportunity on the “DL” if you know what I mean. After all, we don’t want to much competition for this gig. I will see you out on the trails getting ready for my next job. Happy hiking and remember to always hydrate with a good beer like Gold Leaf Lager, from Devils Backbone Brewery. (Sucking up, Check)